ResearchArnold KristoffJune 18, 2018carbon nanotubes, nanotech, nano, nanotechnology, quantum cryptography, quantum computer Pathway to optical-based quantum cryptography and quantum computing ResearchArnold KristoffJune 18, 2018carbon nanotubes, nanotech, nano, nanotechnology, quantum cryptography, quantum computer
Funding, Opinion, Business, ResearchTariq Ahmad May 23, 2018quantum technology, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, quantum, quantum theory, quantum cryptography, quantum dots The quantum world of nanotechnology Funding, Opinion, Business, ResearchTariq Ahmad May 23, 2018quantum technology, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, quantum, quantum theory, quantum cryptography, quantum dots
ResearchStephen McKeanMay 30, 2017quantum states, quantum cryptography, quantum computing Quantum states reveal themselves with measurable 'fingerprint' Discovery by international team offers route to certify devices for quantum computing and quantum cryptography. ResearchStephen McKeanMay 30, 2017quantum states, quantum cryptography, quantum computing