Contribute and Compare – Confirm and Deny

Over 2016, The World Nano Foundation collected data from nanotechnology businesses from across the world through the Nano Index. Respondents of 2016's Index have produced some enlightening data that both confirms and denies some global industry perceptions and trends in a quite startling set of results.
The Nano Index tracks and predicts global trends, identifying the most promising technologies and investment returns. All responses are used to measure the value creators in the Nanotechnology industry and support in the delivery of nanotechnology stakeholders.
The top 2 areas of nanotechnology specialism for both start-ups and commercial companies that completed the World Nano Foundation Nano Index survey in 2016 were from Nanomaterials (the development or study of materials having unique properties arising from their nanoscale dimensions) and Molecular Biology.
Start-ups and commercial nanotechnology companies differed slightly on their potential areas of application. Medical devices and pharmaceuticals were the clear leaders for both groups, with start-ups placed Cosmetics second. Whereas, commercial companies were applying their nanotechnology in Electrical & Electronic Equipment, Machinery, and Metrology, closely followed by Chemicals and Raw Materials.
The top 3 challenges being experienced by nanotechnology companies (start-ups and commercials) were Growing Sales, Raising Funds and Progressing technology through TRL’s (Technology Readiness Levels). Most people rated their determination to succeed at 10/10 but only rated their capability to deliver their ambitions at around 7/10.
Despite these challenges, people were predicting their year on year growth over the next 3 years at either 10-20% CAGR or 30%+ CAGR due to their strategic plans and competitive advantages.
The World Nano Foundation’s member, Enabling Tech Capital LLC, who have been working with over 50 companies to raise funds have a different view.
“We have found that companies are very very focused on their technology, understanding it’s capability, applications and uses, but less articulate on how they plan to exploit their competitive advantages in the global competitive landscape. This then limits their ambitions and the potential of their technology.” Explained Paul Sheedy, CEO of Enabling Tech Capital LLC.
“This then limits their ambitions and the potential of their technology. One thing is for sure, these are extraordinary companies doing extraordinary things with extraordinary nanotechnology that will improve our way of life."
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