ResearchArnold KristoffAugust 26, 2019nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, healthcare, nature, mosquito, graphene, textiles, 2D, 2d materials, nanomaterial Graphene-lined clothing could help prevent mosquito bites ResearchArnold KristoffAugust 26, 2019nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, healthcare, nature, mosquito, graphene, textiles, 2D, 2d materials, nanomaterial
ResearchArnold KristoffMay 15, 2019nano, electronic textiles, textiles, clothing, nanotech, nanotechnology, 2d materials, graphene ink, graphene Electronic textiles could harvest energy as we move ResearchArnold KristoffMay 15, 2019nano, electronic textiles, textiles, clothing, nanotech, nanotechnology, 2d materials, graphene ink, graphene
ResearchArnold KristoffApril 08, 2019chemical weapons, chemical warfare, nan, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, healthcare, nanocoating, textiles, fabric The fabrics that could protect you from chemical warfare agents ResearchArnold KristoffApril 08, 2019chemical weapons, chemical warfare, nan, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, healthcare, nanocoating, textiles, fabric
Research, OpinionLiam CritchleySeptember 05, 2018nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, textiles How will nanotechnology improve textiles? Research, OpinionLiam CritchleySeptember 05, 2018nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, textiles
ResearchArnold KristoffNovember 08, 2017nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, circuits, fabric, textiles Fully integrated circuits printed directly onto fabric ResearchArnold KristoffNovember 08, 2017nano, nanotech, nanotechnology, circuits, fabric, textiles
BusinessArnold KristoffJuly 04, 2017textiles, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology Acanthurus to present warming textile technology at Berlin Fashion Week BusinessArnold KristoffJuly 04, 2017textiles, nano, nanotech, nanotechnology