Versarien stocks rocket during Nano Mask Launch

Engineering group Versarien saw its stock increase 10% to 45p as it launched graphene enhanced protective facemask.
Graphene, first isolated in 2004 by two researchers at The University of Manchester, is believed to be the wonder material that will revolutionise materials. It has been theoretically shown to have incredible physical properties including an exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, effective electrical and thermal conductors as well as being highly flexible.
Versarien’s graphene enhanced mask is a filtering facepiece (FFP2 rated version), designed to help provide enhanced protection against airborne bacteria and to minimise the spread of viral infection.
The new mask is enhanced with a coated layer utilising Polygrene, an advanced graphene-based material featuring Nanene, the world’s only independently Verified Graphene Product certified by The Graphene Council.
Compared to a DIY cloth mask, the new Versarien masks ensure far greater levels of protection and reduce the risk of an individual transmitting the virus when asymptomatic by preventing 95% of particles larger than 0.3 microns from passing through the mask.
Designed and manufactured with a Chinese partner, it meets the important BS EN 149:2001+A1:2009 standard (Respiratory protective devices), its antibacterial performance is certified according to GB/T 20944.2.2007 and its anti-viral performance is certified according to ISO 18184:2014 (E). This means that it meets the guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation.
Founded in 2010, Versarien utilise proprietary materials technology to create new engineering solutions capable of disruptive impact in many industries. They have developed advanced materials and processes to satisfy customer-specific applications while also enhancing a portfolio of intellectual property through acquisition.
The addition of graphene to polymers provides many benefits including allowing innovative products to be developed utilising existing production processes. The Polygrene is blended with a sustainably sourced cellulose (viscose) material mix.
Neill Ricketts, chief executive of Versarien, said: “We have taken great encouragement from the initial level of interest and are already in discussions with a number of other potential customers. Importantly, through our partner, we also have the capacity to fulfil much larger numbers of product orders going forward.”
It has received orders for 120,000 of its masks which minimise the spread of Covid-19. Manufactured in China, the company said the mask orders were for 100,000 units from a "leading university" and that 20,000 had been ordered by a "UK electrical and mechanical servicing and repairs business".
Versarien are slightly later to the market than competitor Directa Plus, who’s G+ graphene-enhanced facemasks have been on sale for almost two months, but with 120,000 pre-sale orders for Versarien’s mask and the sharp increase in share price, they have reason to feel optimistic for the coming months.
The virus crisis has seen several small biotech stocks surge in value as the world continues to search for solutions to the pandemic.