Aqua-Yield Introduces Game-Changing Weed Killer

At only 4 oz./acre application rate, Aqua-Yield today introduces the industry game-changer, Nano-Pro™. In university and field testing, Nano-Pro™ was added to herbicide treatments and showed a consistent increase in weed kill. Data shows that weed kill efficacy improved an average of 29%.
Aqua-Yield CEO and co-founder Clark Bell announces the immediate availability of Nano-Pro™ for general farm usage in easy-to-use and store 2 1/2 (2.5) -gallon containers. Mr. Bell commented, "Nano-Pro™ is different from other herbicide adjuvants because it contains an aquamized formulation to more effectively deliver herbicide to plant cells through Aqua-Yield's proprietary Nano-Shield™ delivery system." Mr. Bell continued; "Our testing/data indicates that with Nano-Pro™, farmers will see a faster kill of weeds and a higher kill on tougher weeds. Our propriety and patented nano-formulation promotes cellular access to weeds and Nano-Pro™ can be used in combination with other great herbicide products."
Each 2.5-gallon container of Nano-Pro™ will service 80 acres of farmland weed control. It is available through Aqua-Yield's regional sales force and distribution partners and is delivered directly to farmers. As an adjuvant, Nano-Pro™ is Aqua-Yield's next step in making the agri-chemical supply chain better. Aqua-Yield will introduce more products in the coming months.
Aqua-Yield Chief Science Officer Landon Bunderson PhD noted: "NanoPro has been under development for several years. We're excited to finally release a totally new adjuvant that will serve as additional help to farmers who are struggling with more effective weed control. NanoPro™ is the most exciting technology we have released to date."
It is recommended not to use this product with fungicides or pesticides. If applied with a fungicide or pesticide, it is the user's responsibility to conduct a trial application on the crop(s) to be sprayed with this mix of chemicals to determine compatibility of products and compatibility with crop(s) sprayed. When mixing with other spray materials a jar compatibility test is recommended.
Aqua-Yield™ is a rapidly-growing sustainable fertilizer technology company. Co-founded in 2014, Aqua-Yield has introduced the "smallest innovation in agricultural history." Aqua-Yield's technologies deliver materials directly to the plant's cells leading to a much higher overall efficiency. Aqua-Yield's process introduces liquid nanotechnology to agriculture leading to significant advantages for the grower. Results of the company's unique technologies include; higher yields, lower cost inputs, shorter crop cycles, less environmental impact and an increase in nutrient impact.